Mobile Speed Camera's Bringing Back Warning Signs

Mobile Speed Camera's Bringing Back Warning Signs banner

Tynan Motors - 18th January 2023

Warning signs for mobile speed cameras return to NSW from New Years Day 2023.

Authorities in NSW have returned the speed camera warning signs in NSW from the 1st of January 2023 ahead of a major backflip over road rules but there is a problem...

The major problem is that almost three quarters of the camera fleet will have to be refit due to the lack of cargo space for the camera equipment and signage. At this current point in time, only 38 vehicles out of the 143 are able to be used as they have the warning signs equipped and the other 105 do not and the cars are going to be changed to fit all of the camera equipment and signage inside of them. The signage includes the warning sign before and after the mobile speed camera as well as one on top of the roof. 

The changes of the vehicles will either involve a retrofit or replacement all together, and will either way not be completed until April 2023.

The New South Wales Government removed the signage from all mobile speed camera vehicles during the pandemic and have recieved backlash on it ever since. The scheme witnessed a near 10-fold increase in fines for speeding among NSW roads after removing the signs two years ago and the state government saw a 834% increase in revenue from fines, in only 12 months during this time. 

Sam Farraway, the minister for regional transportation and roads, stated that warning signs were helpful in ensuring that drivers were travelling safely and under the speed limit while mobile speed cameras were being used. Farraway also stated that two thirds of speeding drivers in which were involved in fatal and serious injury crashes over the last five years, were driving less than 10km/h over the legal speed limit.

There was a lot of commotion in regards to the signage and the amount of instances where the vehicles had parked behind objects to be blocked away from view until the oncoming traffic was extremely close so they had already been scanned for speeding.

The return of the mobile speed camera warning signs created a fair argument for individuals who are now being fined for speeding.

As they simply are not taking any notice of their surroundings and are essentially distracted from being able to clearly focus on the road and what is ahead of them. 

NSW is the only state at this current time to change their rules among their mobile speed camera vehicles and signage.

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