Forgetting to Cancel Your Blinker? It Could Cost You!

    Forgetting to Cancel Your Blinker? It Could Cost You! banner

    We've all seen it: you're driving along, and you notice a vehicle ahead with its indicator on. You leave room for them to make their move, but they never do. It turns out they just forgot to cancel their blinker. While this might seem like a harmless oversight, it could lead to fines and even demerit points across Australia.

    Why Canceling Your Blinker Matters

    Indicators are vital tools for communicating your intentions on the road. When misused, whether accidentally or intentionally, they can confuse other drivers, leading to dangerous situations. Australian law takes this seriously, and drivers are required to stop indicating once they've completed their turn or lane change. Forgetting to do so can lead to penalties in every state and territory.

    Penalties Across Australia

    Each state and territory in Australia has specific fines and, in some cases, demerit points for failing to cancel your blinker. Here’s a breakdown of what you could face:

    • New South Wales (NSW): You could be fined $227 and incur two demerit points for not canceling your left or right blinker after a change of direction.
    • Queensland (QLD): The fine is $96 with two demerit points for failing to cancel or incorrectly operating your signal.
    • Victoria (VIC): There's no demerit penalty, but you could be fined at least $198 for failing to cancel or incorrectly operating your signal.
    • South Australia (SA): The most severe penalties in the nation, with fines of $356 and two demerit points for failing to cancel your indicator or misusing a direction signal.
    • Australian Capital Territory (ACT): A $219 fine and two demerit points apply for not stopping your indicator after a direction change.
    • Tasmania (TAS): Fines range from $95 to $146 depending on the specific indicator misuse.
    • Western Australia (WA): A $50 fine applies under the WA Road Traffic Code 2000 for allowing your indicator to remain on after completing a turn.
    • Northern Territory (NT): The penalty is a $40 fine for failing to cancel your signal, with no demerit points attached.

    A Common Mistake with Serious Consequences

    Truck drivers are often the most likely to make this mistake due to the challenges of hearing the blinker in a large cabin. However, it’s a mistake that any driver could make. Regardless of the vehicle you drive, it's your responsibility to ensure all exterior lights and signals are used correctly.

    Stay Alert, Avoid Fines

    Forgetting to cancel your blinker might seem like a small error, but it can lead to significant penalties. Whether you're driving a car, truck, or motorcycle, make it a habit to double-check your indicators after every turn or lane change. This simple action can keep you safe, help other drivers on the road, and save you from unwanted fines and demerit points.

    Note: This blog is not intended as legal advice. For specific regulations and penalties, check with the relevant roads authority in your state or territory.

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