Are Hydrogen-Powered Vehicles in the Future?

Are Hydrogen-Powered Vehicles in the Future? banner

Tynan Motors - 28th February 2023

Hyundai has been the 5th largest automaker in the world over the last seven years, with 75,000 global employees. Hyundai vehicles are sold 193 countries around the world, throughout over 6000 dealerships.

Hyundai believes in many things and brings these ideas to life. The most recent one that Hyundai has come out with is that they believe in alternative fuels, but they know that it needs to be done with a greater push towards a more economicaly friendly approach.

Hyundai trusts that hydrogen will be a main source of clean energy for the future.

The latest craze over the elecric - vehicles has sparked a new innovative idea to grow and take over the current craze. Electric - vehicles aren't the most practical approach for larger vehicles such as trucks and buses due to the heavier batteries that are required in them, but Hyundai believes that hydrogen will be a more sustainable approach for these larger vehicles. 

Sales and Reliability

Hyundai's Nexo models sales numbers are small as they are only making up less than 0.1% of global passenger car sales last year, whereas battery powered vehicles accounted for 10%. The sales of buses and trucks that are hydrogen-powered, have seen a significant increase of 30% in the last 8 years.

The latest Xcient trucks and the Mirai have seen vehicles travel over 800kms on a single charge of Hydrogen-power rather than a range of between 400-800kms from an elecric truck on a single charge. 

How are they produced?

All of the current hydrogen-powered car can be mass-produced rather than being built by hand as they used to be. The most expensive part of these vehicles is the hydrogen fuel stack, the heart of a fuel-cell powered system, which generates the electricity as they are over $16,000 per car. 

Subsidies for hydrogen-powered car purchases and infrastructure is assisting in helping the market familiarise themselves with these new products. Beijing, has launched an aggresive drive for these vehicles to be used as rental cars and public buses, with a goal to reach a sales target of 1 million units by 2030. 

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